

In The Beginning

Digital Microsystems System 5000

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Digital Microsystems System 5000. System 5000 by Digital Microsystems is a CP/M compatible microcomputer.

The 8-bit version is based on the Z80 (64K RAM) and the 16-bit version is based on the powerful 8086 (256K, or 512K, RAM). One of its most innovative features is the 15 inch green monochrome monitor which can be positioned horizontally, or vertically! When positioned vertically it can display 66 lines x 80 characters and when horizontally it can display 50 lines x 132 characters. In the United States of America, the Z80 version costs 3,295 dollars and the 8086 version costs 4,195 dollars.

Digital Microsystems System 5000

Digital Microsystems System 5000
