

Nifty Knacks

476 through 500

Back to where you came from. The same text in Greek.

  1. Revive cheese.
    What can you do with a little piece of dry left-over cheese? Dip a clean white cloth in vinegar and wring it out. Leave the cheese wrapped in the cloth for a few hours. It will regain its original taste and texture.

  2. Clean the base of the iron.
    Let the iron cool down and then clean the base by spreading a thin layer of toothpaste on it and rubbing with a soft cloth.

  3. Crispy biscuits.
    Two sugar cubes left in the biscuit box will keep biscuits and baton chalets crispy.

  4. Finding tiny objects.
    You can find a contact lens, the butterfly of an earring or any tiny object more easily if you put the toe of a pair of tights over the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner and switch on. Tiny objects will get trapped on the tights.

  5. Peeled potatoes that don't discolour.
    Put a slice of bread in the water with the potatoes and they won't discolour.

  6. Rust marks on saucepans.
    Get rust marks off saucepans by rubbing first with wirewool and then with half a raw onion.

  7. Get rid of cobwebs.
    You can get rid of cobwebs without touching them if you sweep them up with a feather duster. Then simply shake the feather duster out of a window.

  8. Marks on wooden furniture.
    Get marks off wooden furniture by rubbing with a cloth impregnated with a little olive oil.

  9. No more marks on wallpaper.
    Wrap up the legs and ends of your ladder so it doesn't leave marks on the wallpaper.

  10. Banish paint smells.
    Get rid of the smell of paint by leaving a bowl of salt in the room overnight.

  11. Protect the floor.
    An old plastic tablecloth makes a good floor protector when you are painting or steam cleaning the balcony furniture.

  12. Carrying tools easily.
    Carry tools, screws and nails easily. Put them in a bum bag strapped round your waist.

  13. So your paint doesn't go dry.
    When you need a break from painting but are worried that the paint may go dry, cover the roller and container with cling film. They will stay in tip top condition for hours.

  14. No more bubbles under wallpaper.
    Dry wallpaper with a hairdrier and bubbles won't form under it.

  15. No more paint on window panes.
    Before you start painting a window frame, go round the edges of the window pane with soap, then paint will not stick to it.

  16. Important telephone numbers.
    So you don't have to search for important telephone numbers, write them all clearly on a card and put it in a small photograph frame by the telephone.

  17. No more rust marks on shelves or floors.
    To stop the various containers you keep on shelves or the floor leaving rust marks, wrap them in cling film and keep it in place with an elastic band.

  18. Read labels easily.
    Keep a pair of reading glasses handy in the kitchen and another pair in the bathroom so you can read the labels on boxes and bottles more easily.

  19. An original jewellery holder.
    Make an original jewellery holder. Paint the rim of a small strainer gold with spray paint and hang your earrings from the mesh. It is both practical and attractive.

  20. Banish fish and other cooking smells.
    Banish fish and other cooking smells. Put a few drops of vanilla in a small saucepan and heat for a minute.

  21. Don't forget your medicine.
    Keep medication that you take on a daily basis next to the coffee tin. That way you definitely won't forget to take it.

  22. Hide tiny holes in fine curtains.
    You can hide tiny holes in curtains with a little colourless nail polish. Simply apply a little to the parts that have been torn.

  23. Dirty marks on synthetic upholstery.
    A solution of white vinegar and lukewarm water will get dirty marks off synthetic upholstery.

  24. Separate stuck photographs easily.
    Sliding dental floss between two photographs that are stuck together will separate them without damaging them.

  25. Stop soap making a mess.
    Stand bars of soap on an upturned nail brush and liquid soap dispensers on a coloured sponge. That way they won't make a mess.