Get Acquainted With Greek

Back to where you came from. [an error occurred while processing this directive] The same text in Greek.

We are using Latin characters in order to transliterate Greek words, but we would like to make absolutely clear that we are doing this out of necessity and only because those who do not speak Greek, are not familiar with the Greek alphabet.

We would also like to make absolutely clear that we do not endorse the efforts of some "obscure figures", mostly in Greece and elsewhere, who would "put the flags out", would they succeed in seeing the letters of the Greek alphabet being replaced by the letters of the Latin alphabet.

We strongly believe that ALL alphabets [Contents] and ALL languages are to be highly respected and honoured, regardless of the number of people who speak them.

Please note that the transliteration suggested below, applies to only and that all references in Greek, or transliterated Greek, throughout the English version of, are enclosed in curly braces {} and are linked back to this web page.

Back to where you came from. Acute Accent - Diaeresis Mark - Question Mark The same text in Greek.

Back to where you came from. Alphabet The same text in Greek.
Greek Letter In Greek Transliterated As In English Sounds Like...

Á  ¢  á  Ü

¢ëöá A  a Alpha The "a" in "father".
  â ÂÞôá V  v Beta The "v" in "voyager".
à ã ÃÜììá G  g Gamma The "y" in "yawn".
Ä  ä ÄÝëôá D  d Delta The "th" in "then".
Å  ¸  å  Ý ¸ Øéëüí E  e Epsilon The "e" in "effort".
Æ  æ ÆÞôá Z  z Zeta The "z" in "zoo".
Ç  ¹  ç  Þ ¹ôá I  i Eta The "i" in "disco".
È  è ÈÞôá TH  Th  th Theta The "th" in "theory".
É  º  Ú  é  ß  ú  À

(the last iota carries both an acute accent and a diaeresis mark)

Éþôá I  i Iota The "i" in "disco".
Ê  ê ÊÜððá K  k Kappa The "k" in "keep".
Ë  ë ËÜìâäá L  l Lambda The "l" in "luxury".
Ì  ì Ìõ M  m Mu The "m" in "mother".
Í  í Íõ N  n Nu The "n" in "another".
Π î Îåé or Îõ KS  Ks  ks Xi The "cc" in "accelerate".
Ï  ¼  ï  ü ¼ Ìéêñüí O  o Omicron The "o" in "morning".
Р ð Ðé or Ðåé P  p Pi The "p" in "paper".
Ñ  ñ Ñù R  r Rho The "r" in "root".
Ó  ó  ò

(the last sigma appears only in lower case and only when it is the last character in a word)

Óßãìá S  s Sigma The "s" in "strategy".
Ô  ô Ôáõ T  t Tau The "t" in "table".
Õ  ¾  Û  õ  ý  û  à

(the last upsilon carries both an acute accent and a diaeresis mark)

¾ Øéëüí I  i Upsilon The "i" in "disco".
Ö  ö Öé F  f Phi The "f" in "food".
×  ÷ ×é or ×åé H  h Chi The "h" in "here".
Ø  ø Øåé or Øé PS  Ps  ps Psi The "ps" in "upstairs".
Ù  ¿  ù  þ ¿ ÌÝãá O  o Omega The "o" in "morning".

Back to where you came from. Vowels The same text in Greek.

á  å   ç  é  ï  õ   ù

Short Long Bi-Modal
å ç á
ï ù é


â  ã   ä  æ  è  ê   ë  ì  í  î   ð  ñ  ó (ò)   ô  ö  ÷  ø

Voiceless Consonants
  Palatal Labial Dental


ê ð ô
Medium ã â ä
Heavy ÷ ö è
Semivowel Consonants
Nasal Liquid Sibilant
ì ë ó (ò)
í ñ
Double Consonants
æ î ø

Back to where you came from. Diphthongs The same text in Greek.
Greek Diphthong Transliterated As Sounds Like...
ÁÉ  Áé  Áß  áé  áß E  e The "e" in "effort".

ÁÕ  Áõ  Áý  áõ  áý

when followed by
È, Ê, Î, Ð, Ó, Ô, Ö, ×, Ø

AV  Av  av

AF  Af  af

The "ove" in "above".

The "ough" in "tough".

ÅÉ  Åé  Åß  åé  åß I  i The "i" in "disco".
ÅÕ  Åõ  Åý  åõ  åý

when followed by
È, Ê, Î, Ð, Ó, Ô, Ö, ×, Ø

EV  Ev  ev

EF  Ef  ef

The "ev" in "ever".

The "eff" in "effort".

ÇÕ  Çõ  Çý  çõ  çý

when followed by
È, Ê, Î, Ð, Ó, Ô, Ö, ×, Ø

IV  Iv  iv

IF  If  if

The "iv" in "liver".

The "iff" in "differ".

ÏÉ  Ïé  Ïß  ïé  ïß I  i The "i" in "disco".
ÏÕ  Ïõ  Ïý  ïõ  ïý OU  Ou  ou The "u" in "rural".
ÕÉ  Õé  Õß  õé  õß I  i The "i" in "disco".

Back to where you came from. Letter Combinations The same text in Greek.
Letter Combination Transliterated As Depending On The Word, Sounds Like...
Ãà Ãã  ãã  ÃÊ  Ãê  ãê NGK  Ngk  ngk

NG  Ng  ng

GK  Gk  gk

Either the "ng" in "angry",

or the "nw" in "inward",

or the "gg" in "aggregate".

ÃÅ  Ãå  ãå

GE  Ge  ge The "ye" in "yell".

Ã×  Ã÷  ã÷

NH  Nh  nh The "nh" in "enhance".

ÊÁÉ   Êáé  ÊÅ  Êå

KAI  Kai   KE  Ke The "Kie" in "Kiev".
ÊÓ  Êó  êó KS  Ks  ks The "cc" in "accelerate".
ÌР Ìð  ìð MB  Mb  mb

B  b

Either the "mb" in "embrace",

or the "b" in "brother".

ÍÔ  Íô  íô ND  Nd  nd

NT  Nt  nt

Either the "nd" in "endorse",

or the "d" in "door".

Ó  Óâ  óâ ZV  Zv  zv The "z" in "zoo",
followed by the "v" in "voyager".
Óà Óã  óã ZG  Zg  zg The "z" in "zoo",
followed by the "y" in "yawn".
ÔÆ  Ôæ  ôæ DJ  Dj  dj The "dj" in "adjust".
ÔÈ  Ôè  ôè TTH  Tth  tth The "t" in "at",
followed by the "th" in "theory".
ÔÓ  Ôó  ôó TS  Ts  ts The "ts" in "tsetse-fly".
